Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Chandler is 10!!!

Chandler turned 10 years old in April. I can't believe it has been that long since we had our first baby. Chandler had a few friends over for pizza, bowling, cake, and ice cream. We had a really fun time. I love this age. Chandler is so helpful, fun, smart, handsome, spiritual, and awesome. We love you Chandler!

What a good example for his brothers and sisters to look up to. They love him so much too!
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Hanson Family said...

I can't believe he is ten either. I remember when Ashley used to babysit him. Happy Birthday!!!

Debbie said...

CHANDKLER IS 10!!!!!!!! What happened???? Wow! And he is so CUTE too!!!! Congratulations on your birthday! It looks like it was a great one. Wish we didnt miss so many special days like that!!
Love you!
Aunt Debbie