Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dawson is 6!!!

Dawson is 6 years old! He has graduated kindergarten, and is such a fun little guy. We had a party for him at home with pizza, pinata, games, and of course cake and ice cream!
I remember waiting to see what baby #3 would be, and just being so excited for another little boy. I love watching the boys grow up together. They are all so amazing.
We love you Dawson! Thanks for making us laugh. You are so cuddly, sweet, funny, and such a good boy!
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Chandler is 10!!!

Chandler turned 10 years old in April. I can't believe it has been that long since we had our first baby. Chandler had a few friends over for pizza, bowling, cake, and ice cream. We had a really fun time. I love this age. Chandler is so helpful, fun, smart, handsome, spiritual, and awesome. We love you Chandler!

What a good example for his brothers and sisters to look up to. They love him so much too!
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