Monday, February 11, 2008

"It's not my gum..."

So I'm putting Hannah to bed... she is all cuddled up under her blanky, and I see her chewing. "Hannah you better spit out your gum," I said. "It's not my gum," Hannah says. Then I asked, "What is it?" And she replys, "It's a booger."
I should have guessed it.


Nelli said...

ewwwww! But cute at the same time!

Kristen said...

What's so great about that is that it is not surprising of kids to eat their boogers. You'd never near a grown up say something like that. Gross!
That's priceless.

Marty and Debbi said...

That's one to remember. She will love hearing that story as she grows older! haha

Heather said...

Melissa, just to let you know, I tagged you on my blog. Go there to see what you have to do!! :)


I was trying to think of anything else that was chewy that would be worse than a booger. Maybe a scab? gross. Hannah's so funny. Love you, Rebecca. Oh, I finally got bounce-opolis pics up on my blog...I think I am up to date now.